Good Fries’ Golden rules
Not just a matter of taste. Eating foods fried the right way concearns our health.
Getting informed in serenity
Nowdays there are infinte sources that report instructions for a correct diet, from the extremely generic ones to the very detailed and highly selective ones. The personal choices on how to eat are not in discussion, but it is not necessary to make extreme choices such as, for example, going vegan. Those guidelines, taking a deeper look, mainly concern social and ethical issues, when not philosophical. Eating well is always possible, even when, for personal taste or for daily requirements of speed and comfort, we find ourselves eating a kind of food that sadly (and in general terms) fits in the “junk food” stict definition.
What makes the difference
A cattle farm, a henhouse , an orchard, different homemade machines, and endless available time. We could add, why not, a few more arms for a daily help.That’s how we could guarantee, through a self-handling process, the absolute certanity of what we are eating. Although, in a certain extent, who desires it can surely achieve it, aspiring to something like that in common lifestyle is not just really hard, but sometimes even a bit useless. it is important instead to get informed, to be able to trust those who really try their best to always put quality first in their work. The heart of Fine Food Group’s pursuit has always be the willing to bring a top quality offer to their clients.
But it’s not over
With the disclosure of the job that has been done by the European Association of Potato Producers on the website, we’d like to support the caterers’ work. Those good rules to always respect during the cooking of fried foods, and french fries in particular, are on the basis to guarantee an extremly tasty food to the consumer, without any risk for their health. So: choose quality products first,and then learn how to prepare them to the letter!
Download here the manifesto of Good Fries’Golden Rules